Ah! My Goddess 08 Vostfr
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Game loving shut-in Kazuma Satou's life as a young schoolboy in Japan abruptly comes to an early end...or at least it was supposed to. When he opens his eyes, though, he sees a beautiful goddess that offers him a once in an after-lifetime chance to be reborn in a parallel world. The catch is that the world is violent and threatened by a growing evil! Fortunately, he can choose any one thing to bring with him. So he chooses the goddess, Aqua! And so his adventure with his gorgeous companion begins--if he could just get enough money and food to survive, keep his goddess out of trouble, and avoid grabbing the attention of the Demon King's army!
But yet this same author Cornelius Tacitus, in truth a greatbroacher of lies, in the very same history relates that Cn. Pompeyhaving sacked Jerusalem, to gratify his curiosity in discovering themysteries of the Jewish religion, went into the temple, and foundnot one statue or image therein ; whereas, had they worshippedany graven image, he had certainly found it in the most holy place;and so much the rather because there the vanity had been in nodanger of a discovery from strangers, that being a place which thehigh priests alone were permitted to enter, and which was coveredwith a veil that kept it from every other eye. As for the objectionof the ass's head, I cannot but admire you should insist upon itagainst Christians, you who cannot deny but that you pay divinehonours to all the beasts of burthen, to asses' heads and bodiesboth, together with their goddess Epona.1 But here, perhaps, liesthe crime, that among the worshippers of every animal we should
1 Cum sua Epona. This Epona was the goddess of stables, and is likewisetaken notice of, and read by Minutius Felix just as Rigaltius reads it. Thoughthere is a terrible dispute among the critics, a great cry, and very little wool,about the spelling and quantity of this goddess's name; some spelling itIlippona, and making the middle syllable long ; others spelling it as Rigalliusdoes, and making the middle syllable short, and thus Prudentius in hisApotheosi makes it,
I have already mentioned how all your earthen gods derivetheir divinity from a cross, the image-maker putting the clay uponcrosslike engines before he forms it; but you likewise adore yourgoddess Victoria in this form, for crosses are the inward part ofthis deity, your trophies being only poles laid across, and coveredover with the spoils of the enemy. For indeed the Roman religionis entirely martial; they worship their standards, and swear bytheir standards, and pay diviner respects to their standards morethan to any other god whatever. All the rich embossments andembroidery of images upon your colours are but necklaces to across, and the flags and streamers are but the robes of crosses; andreally I cannot but commend your care and tenderness in notletting your crosses go naked, and not consecrating them till theyare in the best apparel. Others with a greater show of reason takeus for worshippers of the sun.1 These send us to the religion ofPersia, though we are far from adoring a painted sun, like themwho carry about his image everywhere upon their bucklers. Thissuspicion took its rise from hence, because it was observed thatChristians prayed with their faces towards the east. But some ofyou likewise out of an affectation of adoring some of the celestialbodies wag your lips towards the rising sun; but if we, like them,
dint and merits of their religion ; and consequently that theirs werethe right gods, inasmuch as they who served them out-flourished allothers in glory, as much as they surpassed them in devotion tothese deities; and this surpassing figure, no doubt, was the returnyour own Roman gods made you for their worship; and theseproper gods, who have thus enlarged your borders must be Ster-culus, and Mutunus, and Larentina; for it is not to be imaginedthat strange gods should find in their hearts to be greater friends toa strange nation than to their own; and that they should makeover their own native soil, in which they were bred, and born, andburied, and deified, to an outlandish people. Let Cybele see to it,whether she transplanted her affections to Rome for the sake of herbeloved countrymen the Trojans, screened from the Grecian armsI warrant by her divine protection; let her say whether she wentover to the Romans upon this view, as foreseeing them the peoplethat would revenge her upon her enemies, and one day triumphover Greece, as Greece had done over Troy; and to prove thatshe did go over to the Romans upon this prospect, she hasgiven a most glorious instance of her foresight in our age, for M.Aurelius being taken off at Sirmium the seventeenth day of March,1her chief priest and eunuch on the twenty-fourth day of the samemonth, having lanced his arms, and let out his impure blood uponthe altar, offered up his usual vows for the life of the emperor, whowas dead some days before. O leaden-heeled couriers ! O drowsydispatches ! not to give Cybele notice before the emperor was dead ;in good troth, Christians must make a little merry with such a goddess.
1 A Numa concepta est Curiositas Superstitiosa. It has been objected that theconsent of nations, if it argues anything, argues for Polytheism, that being moreuniversal, and consequently more natural than the worship of one god ; butthis is a very foolish objection ; for there is in all mankind a propensity toreligion in general, as there is an inclination to eat and drink in all; and asit is left to the direction of our appetites what we should choose to eat anddrink in particular, so is it left to our reason what we should worship; but toeat and drink and worship something, we are all inclined, though often abusedas to the object. It is this natural propensity to religion designing men strikein with ; and they would never apply to it so universally did they not find allmankind readily disposed for divine worship; for an atheist has been lookedupon as a monster in all ages. Thus it was that Numa Pompilius worked uponhis subjects, and procured an implicit veneration to all his institutions, by pre- tending an acquaintance with the goddess Aegeria. Numa Pompilius, utPopulum Romanum sacris obligaret, volebat videri sibi cum Dea Aegeriacongressus esse nocturnos, ejusque monitu accepta Diis Iinmortalibus sacrainstituere. Valer. Max. lib. i. cap. 2.
Uzume is the Japanese Shinto goddess of happiness and joy. When the sun goddess Amaterasu hid herself in a cave and the earth got covered in darkness and infertility, Uzume managed with her provoking (tearing off her clothing) and curlew dances to make the gods laugh so hard, that Amaterasu left the cave intrigued thus light and life came back to earth. Amaterasu's brother Ninigi married Uzume to the deity who guards the Floating Bridge to Heaven. 153554b96e