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The left side of the tab shows the atempo track you are working on. Its also possible to group whole tracks here on a tracklane. This is useful because its easier to send tracks to a different tracklane when they are grouped instead of remaining grouped on the original tracklane. As you can see on the screenshot, you also get the following elements: The Line and the Axis where you could edit the groove. For the Line, it should be set to invert(you can check this when you press the 'i' button in the effect-dialog), so that the grooves will be inverted The button 'Add New Track Lane' and the button 'Delete Track Lane'. Adding a new track lane is useful to add grooves on a tracklane that didn't have grooves before. You can delete a lane if you think its just for fun or creating a train track. (In the following screenshot I did delete a tracklane because the line and axis didn't have any groove set...). The Tracklist for all tracks that are organized on that same tracklane. A track will only show up in the tracklist if that tracklane has a groove.
The right side of the window shows all the other tracks that are in the same atempo track. You can select a different tracklane from the dropdown-list on the right side, and you can add a new tracklane to the atempo track too. The new tracklanes are added on the line and the axis. This means that any groove you create here on that new tracklane will be set on/inverted the same way as the tracks on the original tracklane. The three buttons at the bottom of the tab. The first button is the 'Lock Track' button which turns off the tracks that aren't displayed on the atempo track. This is useful to work on a track that you want to keep locked. With the other two buttons, you can activate, reset, and revert to the 'Undo' and 'Redo'-state. propellerhead reason 4 no cd crack The mixing window is not only used for the regroove mixer.
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