Overthrow Book Chapter Summaries
Overthrow Book Chapter Summaries > https://fancli.com/2timr6
In little more than a century the U.S. played \"a decisive role\" in the overthrow of 14 foreign governments, by Kinzer's count: Hawaii, Cuba, the Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Iran, Guatemala, Vietnam, Chile, Grenada, Panama, Afghanistan, Iraq. Kinzer says his book brings all these together \"to find what they have in common... and tries to answer two fundamental questions. First, why did the United States carry out the operations Second, what have been their long-term consequences\"
Animal Farm is a novella written by George Orwell, published in 1945. The book tells the story of a group of animals who live on a farm and overthrow their human farmer. The animals then establish their own government, led by the pigs. However, over time, the pigs begin to abuse their power and the other animals start to rebel.
Animal Farm broadly attacks all forms of totalitarianism. However, it specifically targets the then Soviet Union, which, in the decades before and during World War Two, became a totalitarian state under Stalin. The first section of the book parallels the final years of the 19th century, where Russia was ruled by Tsar Nicholas II and his family. Like Mr. Jones, the Tsar was seen as decadent and uncaring that millions of Russians were starving and angry. Just as the animals overthrow their oppressors at Manor Farm, so did the Russian people overthrow the Tsar via the Russian Revolution.
[1] Just in the last several years, books in English, French and Persian by Ervand Abrahamian, Gholam-Reza Afkhami, Mohammad Amini, Christopher de Bellaigue, Darioush Bayandor, Mark Gasiorowski (and this author), Stephen Kinzer, Abbas Milani, Ali Rahnema, and others have focused on, or at least dealt in depth with, Mosaddeq and the coup. They contain sometimes wide differences of view about who was behind planning for the overthrow and how it finally played out. More accounts are on the way (including an important English-language volume on Iranian domestic politics by Ali Rahnema of the American University of Paris). 153554b96e