Rob Brunia, C Van Wijgerden, Learning Chess Workbook
One of the best chess books to start with is The Steps Method by Rob Brunia and Cor van Wijgerden. This method consists of six steps. Each step is accompanied by an instruction book with the teaching material to be used by the trainer/teacher/parent and a workbook with exercises for the students. The book is designed and written for the independent learner.
Do you want your kid to showcase her / his creating abilities by using the latest emerging technologies? We at Coding Hero provide a favorable environment and opportunities to explore various platforms such as game development, mobile app development. Our online coding, design, chess and math courses are designed to suit kids' learning pace.
At CodingHero, the kids start learning through our online classes for coding, design, chess and maths. Our online courses introduce the kids from 5 years of age to the whole new exciting world of coding by learning web development, game development, chess strategies and moves, maths concepts, and mobile app development and that too from the comfort of your home.
I think the Steps Method is the best chess training system publicly available. The workbooks and manuals are remarkably affordable, and even those whom Caissa has not blessed with great talent can succeed as trainers. Because each Step comes with scripted lessons, good teaching examples, etc., competent class players can serve as trainers through at least Step 3 and perhaps beyond.
(1) A few months ago I was asked to begin teaching a young boy who had just turned seven. This puts him right at the cusp of what the Steps deem an appropriate age for effective chess education, so after an initial assessment, we began with the Stepping Stones 1 workbook. Over the past four or so months we worked through Stepping Stones 1 and 2, and now we are beginning Step 1 Plus. 2b1af7f3a8