The The Lady Fights Back
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Mortal Kombat X's Blanche is the old lady who pops up in the background of the fighting game's Outworld Marketplace arena. She is a \"Level Interaction\", meaning players can grab her and smash her against their opponent. Since Mortal Kombat X's launch, using poor old Blanche to smash up your foe has always left her in a bloody heap on the ground.
We'll be in touch with the latest information on how President Biden and his administration are working for the American people, as well as ways you can get involved and help our country build back better.
First lady Michelle Obama has been doing a lot of high-fiving with schoolchildren like these in Dallas to promote healthful lifestyles. Now she's diving more deeply into the politics of school lunch. LM Otero/AP hide caption
The first lady met with school nutrition directors from districts that like the new menu standards. And she's launching a campaign to defeat congressional efforts to offer districts waivers or change the rules.
\"We have to be willing to fight the hard fight now. This is what I tell myself. In 10 or 20 years I don't want to look back with regret and think that we gave up on our kids because we felt like this thing was too hard or too expensive. We owe our kids way more than that,\" she says.
Blanche, the little old lady that wanders around in the background of the Outworld marketplace stage, has just received an upgrade. Instead of being used like a sack of potatoes, Blanche has gained some agency by having some new Brutality alternatives added to her limited but notable repertoire.
So just to recap, you have to use two of the stage's interactive elements throughout the match and then when your opponent's life is low enough, you can interact with Blanche in the background. If you just use the basic interaction button the pugilist will throw Blanche at the opponent and she'll smash into them, exploding in a party bag of gib with blood and guts going everywhere. If you hold 'Down' on the analog or digital pad while interacting with Blanche, instead of just smashing into the foe and creating a blood explosion, she'll instead tackle them down and begin performing MMA-style ground-and-pound punches on the foe until their head is smashed into teeny bits of brain matter and head gore. The real treat is the pageantry after Blanche finishes up her foe... she gets up, walks away and then brushes some of the blood splatter and gib off her shoulders. Classic.
While Mortal Kombat X has definitely come under fire for its grotesque depictions of mortal violence and extreme, graphic gratuity, there are still times when the game can just as likely make you turn your head away in disgust as it'll make you chuckle with a bit of guilty pleasure and naughty glee. Seeing Blanche, a once thought to be helpless little old lady, pummel and beat kombatants down into a pulp is both hilarious and disturbing all at the same time.
NetherRealm Studios really pushed the boundary in some areas of Mortal Kombat X, but unlike the original release of Mortal Kombat back in the early 1990s, there's no Congressional hearing about the game and no new rating implementations being set into place to bar kids from getting their hands on the game (even though, really, anyone under the age of 17 shouldn't be playing Mortal Kombat X anyway).
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